A couple of things that I've noticed recently:
1) They round everything to the nearest 10 cents (well agorot) here (so you never have smaller change than 10 or 50 agorot. I can't believe I didn't notice this earlier - like 4 months ago. Conversation between Zach and I last week:
me: "whoa! did you know that they round everything here and that is why the smallest change we ever have is a 10? "
Zach: "............."
Yes I'm so observant -everyone knows that.
2) The dial to set the temperature on our oven is slightly misleading. When you turn it to the number you want, it actually only turns the
real dial about 1/3 of that amount (sometimes - other times it seems to work). This explains why it was taking me 45 min to bake 1 sheet of cookies and 3 hours to make bread......
Note - this observation is the inspiration for the post which makes it also the only one for which the title makes any sense. Don't worry about it.
3) There was a stash of framed Zebra pictures in one of the closets in our flat that we had never opened (!) I am currently finding a place for them - you can never have too much zebra.
4) There was also a toilet seat and tank in the same closet. I guess our landlords like to be prepared - you know, in case we destroy the toilet tank or something
is that even possible???
5) When I realize that I am locked into something for much longer than I was anticipating (what is: "living in a strange and foreign land"?) I :
a) say -nope! not happening; b) realize that's a stupid reaction and so decide to deny what's happening instead; c) denial >acceptance > panic d) decide that panicking is unproductive (and realize that panicking is spelled with a "ck" but panic is spelled with only a "c"??) e) think - ok, this is awesome! what a great adventure! now I really can learn a new language and fully experience another culture! f) panic again while memorizing "do you have drip coffee?...do you have filter coffee....do you have ANY GOOD COFFEE????? " in Hebrew.
How you are supposed to handle this sort of thing without coffee is completely beyond me.
6) Allow me to paraphrase... "even with coffee this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26. I took it out of context, but whatever - I think Matthew would understand.
7) My beautiful roses lasted forever! The magic flower powder really worked this time. Also, my husband is amazing (ok I lied, I didn't notice this recently, I noticed this a long time ago :) )
Shabbat Shalom!