Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas in Winnipeg

Today we celebrated Christmas in Winnipeg - a beautiful snowy, white Christmas :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Christmas Baking

December is here and now I can admit to listening to Christmas music and Christmas baking :)  Technically I've been listening to Christmas music since Nov. 1st, but since we are coming home mid-December to celebrate, it felt ok.  Plus, playing Christmas music in stores here is not really a thing, so there was none of that threat of accidental over-exposure.  It's what I'm telling myself.

So today, since it is basically Christmas now, I decided to give in to one of the many pinterest recipes that have been tempting me, and bake (or put-together) these cookie-dough truffles.  Oh man.  Pretty good.  Also, they are incredibly easy because there actually isn't any baking; and if you remember to take the butter out of the fridge early, you can easily mix everything by hand in one bowl.  Yay for easy to make, easy to clean recipes!  (minus the chocolate coating..luckily I have an amazing husband who is cleaning the chocolate dishes as I type.  :) I <3 him)

flour, butter, white & brown sugar, salt, vanilla and chocolate chips:

I couldn't find mini chocolate chips here, so I just used regular ones that I tried to chop up - it worked fine even if it meant this one guy got a little mangled when I tried to cut it for a picture.  But whatever, you eat them whole anyway :)
One batch made almost 7 dozen of these! mmmmm sugar overdose here I come!

And here is the link to the original recipe that I found on pinterest (as usual hers look much better! But I didn't have chocolate candy coating so I had to improvise with chocolate chips and vegetable oil)

Also in the Christmas spirit we have set up our nativity set  - from Bethlehem!  Thanks Dad and Charlotte!

my favourite are the sheep.