Thursday, September 13, 2012


About 5 months ago I ran into some vanilla beans in the grocery store - and they weren't super expensive, so I did a little experiment.
I sliced it open and scraped the seeds out, then put the bean and scrapings inside a little sterilized jar full of vodka.  I shook it around whenever I remembered to over the months, and then left it in the fridge.  Then, last week, I ran out of vanilla extract in the middle of making cookies.  My vodka vanilla still smelled mostly like it was just vanilla flavoured vodka - but I gave it a go and it worked!  It actually tasted great!  This was very exciting to me because I really hate projects that take at least 5 months to see results (yes, I'm an instant gratification person).  But yay!  It worked!  This means that I can make my own vanilla extract now for a fraction of the cost of the stuff in the store...I just have to plan in advance :)  Bonus - since then I was shown where to buy vanilla beans in the market which I'm sure are much better quality and much cheaper.  I think next time I might try it with bourbon too.  I've heard that's tasty. :)