Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sirens in Tel Aviv

Well it's been rather intense over here the past week.  Hearing the low wail of the incoming rocket warning sirens, running to a shelter, and hearing missiles exploding, are not things I thought I would experience here!  I can only imagine how horrible life must be for all the people living in southern Israel who have been dealing with living within rocket range for years, and only have a minute or less to find shelter (we have almost 2 minutes).  Or for the innocents in Gaza who have no warning system and no Iron Dome defence system.  I mean, hearing a siren once a day (twice today!) is not ideal, but it's not as scary when you know that a missile defence system, with a fairly good track record, is protecting you.  So far they have intercepted the 7 missiles shot at Tel Aviv (or at least the dangerous ones; if it's going out to sea or into a field they don't try).  When I think of all the suffering on both sides it's so horrible.  Even though the news makes a big deal out of Tel Aviv being targeted, it's nothing compared to the devastation and death in the south (both Israel and Gaza).  Hopefully a truce will be reached before more innocent people die.

For some levity - here is a hilariously accurate comic of what it is like when the sirens sound here (and an example of why I think Tel Aviv is still in a bubble when it comes to this stuff).  Or maybe the joking is just something everyone does to try and be distracted from the reality of the situation which we have no control over.


  1. Glad to see there's still laughter there. Hope you guys stay safe! Can't wait to see you this December.

  2. Great post Lisa. Glad you guys are safe and praying for the south.

    1. ha ha as in "I'm praying for the south" not "glad you guys are praying for the south." Although I'm sure you are...oh man. Stop typing Julia.

  3. Good post. Can't wait to hear more in person! Also, great find on the comic strip! lol.
