Wednesday, January 11, 2012


After my first attempt at baking Challah turned disastrous, I decided (with some apprehension) to try it again. I mean, when it takes me an entire day to make something...

Challah is sweet bread (made with eggs and sugar) that is traditionally eaten on Shabbat and other Jewish holidays.  It is also delicious.  Zach's prof calls it "fat bread" which might explain why it's so good. Another thing I like about it is the name.  You pronounce it with the Hebrew ch which sounds like you're hacking up a cough - sort of like an H with some spit behind it.  A good sound right?  I haven't really mastered it yet and get funny looks for it, but then I get funny looks for a lot of things I say so... this isn't really new.

I tried to make this a while ago, but due to some unfortunate timing issues (i.e. I let it rise WAY too long) and the fact that our oven is completely ridiculous, it was too doughy in the middle to eat.  Luckily attempt number two worked out better.  This time I just left it in the oven forever (like more than 2 hours) and it baked all the way through...well sort of...  at least enough to eat it :)  And it tasted pretty good!  I will figure out this oven someday!

I finally found some real measuring cups!  Yes, I am a little too excited about this, but they made me happy.

I think that this might be more successful if I split it into two loaves, or even buns.  But it just looks so cool when it's huge.

Success!!  I put cinnamon sugar on the outside because if it's already bad for you, you might as well go nuts.  Also it made the apartment smell fantastic :)


  1. Oh Lisa, that challah bread is beautiful! Well done! I can almost taste it. we celebrated Shabbat last Friday night with a former member of King of Kings church in Jerusalem and they made challah bread for us. I am so keen to come to Israel but am seeking the right time. What a great adventure you are having!

  2. on the kibbutz, we used to bake challah as slim braided loaves, like swedish coffee bread. At least in that way it would be "skinny" bread

  3. Auntie Inger you should come visit us!! :) Mum I like your take on making it skinny - I think I'll try that next :)
